PChem312 f20 w14

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Revision as of 17:47, 18 November 2020 by Bes (talk | contribs) (→‎Sec 5.9)
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Monday, Nov 16, 2020

...continue with Sec 5.7, Absolute Entropy (Figures 5.7, 5.8, 5.9)

Example problem 5.7...see figure 5.7... partial class notes

- 3 solid heat capacities that are all a function of T, (note Solid III has 2 heat capacity ranges - 4 total terms),
- like other phase transitions there is a ΔH associated with each of these solid phase changes (2 phase changes total),
- heat of fusion...ΔHfus @ 54.39 K
- 1 heat capacity associated with liquid that is a function of T,
- heat of vaporization...ΔHvap @ 90.20 K
- 1 heat capacity associated with gas that is a function of T.

TOTAL of 10 terms.

Wednesday, Nov 18, 2020

Review of last lecture material...Absolute Entropy calcs...

Sec 5.9

Entropy of Chemical Reactions

- just like heat of formation calcs...


Thursday, Nov 19, 2020

Exam 3 (Ch 5 ONLY)

- Exam will be in person for those on campus and not in quarantine (Please send me a note if you are taking the exam virtually).
- Exam will be posted at 2 pm.
- Exam will completed by 6 pm; scanned and returned via email.

Friday, Nov 20, 2020

no class