Stephanie Saey

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You have reached the personal page of Stephanie Saey.

Personal Information

Graduated (Spring 2018) Biochemistry and Biopsychology Double Major

Hometown: Galesburg, Illinois

Undergraduate Research Activities

Summer 2015: Summer Opportunity for Intellectual Activity (SOfIA) with Dr. Kristin Larson

  • Reviewed literature surrounding the psychological phenomenon of the "third place"
  • Developed a research proposal to study the relationship between geographical setting of the "third place" coffee shop and individual place attachment
  • Wrote HSRB and developed survey
  • Collected data in Chicago, Illinois, and Galesburg, Illinois
  • Analyzed data using Statistical Software Minitab

Summer 2016: Freeman Grant Recipient, Travelled to Singapore for research with Dr. Kristin Larson

  • Collaborated with Dr. Kristin Larson and two undergraduate colleagues to develop a research proposal to study in Singapore
  • Submitted the research proposal to the ASIANetwork Student-Faculty Fellows Program
  • Received the ASIANetwork grant, funded by the Freeman Foundation, to study for three weeks in Singapore
  • Wrote HSRB and developed survey to study the relationship between "third places" and perceived stress levels
  • Currently (Fall 2016 semester) in the process of analyzing data and writing a post-report

Summer 2016: Summer Opportunity for Intellectual Activity (SOfIA) with Dr. Bradley Sturgeon and Dr. Laura Moore

  • Served as a student mentor for incoming freshmen participating in the three-week program
  • Led discussions and small experiments on the chemistry of basic baking (i.e., gluten formation and yeast activity)
  • Performed an extraction of gluten proteins from various types of flour dough and analyzed the extractions through SDS-PAGE
  • Mentored the students in developing a presentation for the SOfIA colloquium
  • Helped supervise the making of final posters for the project

Fall 2016-Spring 2017: Chem 430 with B. Sturgeon, worked as a mentee of Nadia Ayala Spring 2017: Continued research with the secondary plant metabolite, curcumin:

Curcumin Research

Fall 2017-Spring 2018: Worked to oxidize lignin monomers (mentee: Zelinda Taylor): Oxidation of Lignin Monomers


August 2015: SOfIA Presentation

Poster Title: The Third Place Experience in Urban and Rural Coffee Shops

Spring 2016: ILLOWA Undergraduate Research Conference Macomb, IL

Title: The Third Place Experience in Urban and Rural Coffee Shops

August 2016: SOfIA Presentation

Poster Titles: The Chemistry of Baking: The Basics, The Chemistry of Baking: Experiments


Spring 2016: The 2016-17 Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research

Publication Title: The Third Place Experience in Urban and Rural Coffee Shops


Career Goals
