Alan Kuhlemier Chem430 F16

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Chemistry Research 430

Fall 2016
Alan Kuhlemier
Senior Chemistry Major

Research Times

Tue 9-11 am Thur 1-3 pm 4-6 pm Wed 3-5 pm

section 02 = 0.50 credit = 8 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Isolation of Chlorogenic Acid from green coffee beans

General Information

Advisor: Brad Sturgeon


Chlorogenic acid Isolation‎ from green coffee beans using a ball mill, and a methanol/water mixture. Purification of the crude extract with flash chromatography, and refining the process improving upon it.

Instruments to be used

CombiFlash RF 200i

References (2 minimum)


Five ways to Isolate Chlorogenic acid.
Microwave assisted extraction with other references to standard solvent extractions.

Research pledge

I, Alan Kuhlemier, have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with my research advisor.