Bradley Dulee Chem430 F16

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Chemistry/Biochemistry Research 430

Fall 2016
Brad Dulee
Senior Biochemistry Major

Research Times

TBD - 4 hours per week

section 01 = 0.25 credit = 4 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Enter Project Title here

Increasing Growth-Inhibitory Compound Tolerance in Escherichia coli For Use in Biofuel Production

General Information

Advisor: Laura Moore
Other research student collaborators: Tyler Bailey


Instruments to be used

References (2 minimum)

1. Mills, T. Y.; Sandoval, N. R.; Gill, R. T. Cellulosic hydrolysate toxicity and tolerance mechanisms in "Escherichia coli". "Biotechnology for Biofuels" 2009, 2:26.

2. Wang, X.; Miller, E. N.; Yomano, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Shanmugam, K. T.; Ingram, L. O. Increased Furfural Tolerance Due to Overexpression of NADH-Dependent Oxidoreductase FucO in "Escherichia coli" Strains Engineered for the Production of Ethanol and Lactate. "Applied and Environment Biology" 2011, 77:15, 5132-5140.

3. Richardson,T. L.; Harner, N. K.; Bajwa, P. K.; Trevors, J. T.; Lee, H. Approaches to Deal with Toxic Inhibitors During Fermentation of Lignocellulosic Substrates. "ACS Symposium Series". 2011, 1067, Chapter 7, 171-202.

4. Olsson, L.; Hahn-Hägerdal, B.; Fermentation of Lignocellulosic Hydrosylates for Ethanol Production. "Enzyme and Microbial Technology". 1996, 18, 312-331.

5. Wang, X.; Miller, E. N.; Yomano, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Shanmugam, K. T.; Ingram, L. O. Increased Furan Tolerance in "Escherichia Coli" Due to a Cryptic ucpA Gene. "Applied and Environmental Microbiology". 2012, 78:7, 2452-2455.

6. Weil, J. R.; Dien, B.; Bothast, R.; Hendrickson, R.; Mosier, N. S.; Ladisch, M. R. Removal of Fermentation Inhibitors Formed during Pretreatment of Biomass by Polymeric Adsorbents. "Ind. Eng. Chem." Res. 2002, 41:24, 6132-6138.

Research pledge

I, Brad Dulee, have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with my research advisor.