Oxidation of Acetaminophen

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The Fate of the Oxidizing Tyrosyl Radical in the Presence of Glutathione and Ascorbate: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE RADICAL SINK HYPOTHESIS
Bradley E. Sturgeon, Herbert J. Sipe, Jr., David P. Barr, Jean T. Corbett, Jose G. Martinez, and Ronald P. Mason.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1998, 273(46), pp. 30116-30121.

Media:J. Biol. Chem.-1984-Fischer-10284-8.pdf
with GSH
Media:J. Biol. Chem.-1990-Ramakrishna Rao-844-7.pdf

Oxidation Product Analysis

Media:J. Biol. Chem.-1985-Potter-12174-80.pdf