Bradley Dulee Chem430 F16

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Chemistry/Biochemistry Research 430

Fall 2016
Brad Dulee
Senior Biochemistry Major

Research Times

TBD - 4 hours per week

section 01 = 0.25 credit = 4 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Increasing Growth-Inhibitory Compound Tolerance in Escherichia coli For Use in Biofuel Production

General Information

Advisor: Laura Moore
Other research student collaborators: Tyler Bailey


It is the goal of this project to focus on increasing the tolerance of Escherichia coli against the harmful byproducts of lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment methods for use in biofuel production.

Instruments to be used


References (2 minimum)

1. Mills, T. Y.; Sandoval, N. R.; Gill, R. T. Cellulosic hydrolysate toxicity and tolerance mechanisms in "Escherichia coli". "Biotechnology for Biofuels" 2009, 2:26.

2. Wang, X.; Miller, E. N.; Yomano, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Shanmugam, K. T.; Ingram, L. O. Increased Furfural Tolerance Due to Overexpression of NADH-Dependent Oxidoreductase FucO in "Escherichia coli" Strains Engineered for the Production of Ethanol and Lactate. "Applied and Environment Biology" 2011, 77:15, 5132-5140.

3. Richardson,T. L.; Harner, N. K.; Bajwa, P. K.; Trevors, J. T.; Lee, H. Approaches to Deal with Toxic Inhibitors During Fermentation of Lignocellulosic Substrates. "ACS Symposium Series". 2011, 1067, Chapter 7, 171-202.

4. Olsson, L.; Hahn-Hägerdal, B.; Fermentation of Lignocellulosic Hydrosylates for Ethanol Production. "Enzyme and Microbial Technology". 1996, 18, 312-331.

5. Wang, X.; Miller, E. N.; Yomano, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Shanmugam, K. T.; Ingram, L. O. Increased Furan Tolerance in "Escherichia Coli" Due to a Cryptic ucpA Gene. "Applied and Environmental Microbiology". 2012, 78:7, 2452-2455.

6. Weil, J. R.; Dien, B.; Bothast, R.; Hendrickson, R.; Mosier, N. S.; Ladisch, M. R. Removal of Fermentation Inhibitors Formed during Pretreatment of Biomass by Polymeric Adsorbents. "Ind. Eng. Chem." Res. 2002, 41:24, 6132-6138.

Research pledge

I, Brad Dulee, have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with my research advisor.