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Chemistry Research 430

Spring 2018 Sophomore Biochemistry Major

Research Times

Tuesday 1-5 PM,

BIOC 430-01 = 0.25 credit = 4 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Familiarization of Langmuir Monolayer Trough Procedure

General Information

Advisor: Dr. Audra Sostarecz
Other research student collaborators: Brandon Allen and Seth Croslow
Other Research Collaborators: N/A

Proposed Project Description (PPD)

During this semester, I shall be learning the background information and procedures needed to successfully operate the Langmuir Trough to obtain reproducible results. I shall brush up on my knowledge of the trough by going through research articles on the instrument, along with articles of projects that are performed using the trough. In an effort to improve my technique and produce reproducible results, I shall perform numerous trials with lipids such as DPPC, Cholesterol, and DOPC using the Trough. I will also learn about how to interpret the data obtained from these trials by studying Isotherm graphs and Compression modulus graphs.

Instruments to be used

Langmuir Trough

Research pledge

I, Modou Lamin Jarju , have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with, my research advisor.