Taylor Welch Chem430 F16

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Biochemistry Research 430

Fall 2016
Taylor Welch
Senior Biochemistry Major

Research Times

Tuesday and Wednesday 2-6 PM

BIOC 430-01 = 0.50 credit = 8 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Analysis of DNA from Mosquitos Collected in Lake Superior Region

General Information

Advisor: James Godde
Other research student collaborators:
Other Research Collaborators:


The purpose of this experiment is the gage the biodiversity of the Lake Superior area using mosquitoes. The samples were collected from 5 different spots in the states of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Female mosquitoes feed on sugars for nutrition, but need blood in order for their eggs to develop properly. The blood consumed can be tested and processed to see which species the mosquito has been feeding on, and from there can show the species inhabiting certain areas. Using PCR, specific primers, and gel electrophoresis the blood will be processed to determine the biodiversity of the area.

Instruments to be used

PCR, Gel Electrophoresis

References (2 minimum)

Salankar, A. M., Sathapathy, S., Chaudhari, S. B., Banubakode, S. B., & Dalvi, R. S. (2012, July 16). Identification of Some Carnivore Animals by Pcr Technique. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 1(3), 55-56.

Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment (delisted area) and wolf range. (n.d.). In International Wolf Center.

Research pledge

I, Taylor Welch, have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with my research advisor.