Stillwell LSACS abstract 2016

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Enzymatic Oxidation of N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine


Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid with phenol functionality that contributes to proteins involved in signal transduction. Tyrosine is synthesized naturally and is also found in various, high-protein foods. Through oxidation of tyrosine, a radical is formed that allows tyrosine to form various products. These products will be formed via oxidation of tyrosine through an immobilized enzyme bioreactor. The products will be analyzed through HPLC and separated via flash chromatography. Once the products are isolated, NMR will be used to identify and characterize the products formed. The products can then be experimented with to determine biological significance.

edited by BES

Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid with phenol functionality that contributes to structural and functional proteins. During the oxidation of tyrosine, a radical intermediate is formed (the tyrosyl radical) which is then responsible for the resulting stable products. We have investigated various means of oxidation and will present data resulting from using an immobilized enzyme bioreactor. The products have been analyzed by HPLC and separated via flash chromatography.

Edit 1: the term "signal transduction" is too specific for the first line of the abstract. If we were working specifically on signal transduction then it would be more appropriate.

Edit 2: deleted sentance about high-protein foods...this is non-critical "filler" words.

Edit (last): i deleted the part with NMR since i don't think you have data to present at this time??? Include it if you do have data

Comment: consider adding HPA data to the poster and you and Nadia can present together.