Python Program Demonstrations
This page contains screen captured videos demonstrating the programs that were written to optimize data analysis in the Langmuir Trough Research Group.
1) The Multi-Graph Program
Description: This program creates a plot of multiple (up to 5) Langmuir Compression Isotherms from data saved in separate Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets and generates a legend based on user-specified data labels. The graph can then be saved in various image/export formats for later use. This can be used to demonstrate reproducibility in results or to simply graph multiple isotherms onto one plot quickly.
Click to see this program in action!
2) The Ideal Mixing Program
Description: This will create a plot of three Langmuir Compression Isotherms from data saved in two separate Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets one isotherm will be of one "pure" compound (example: DPPC), the second isotherm will be of another "pure" compound (example: Cholesterol), and the third isotherm will be a simulation of a combination of the two compounds assuming "Ideal Mixing" (no molecular interactions between the two compounds). The simulated "Ideal Mixing" data set is constructed using the data from the data files of the "pure" compounds and user-specified mole fractions for those compounds within the mixture. The plot contains user-specified data labels in the legend. This can be used to construct an isotherm to predict what mole ratios should be used for the mixture, as well as to compare to actual data to visualize differences in the data from the Ideal Mixing data, which could be indicative of molecular interactions occurring.
Click to see this program in action!
3) The "Holy Grail" Program
Description: This program is referred to as the Holy Grail due to its power and applicability. It takes a data file stored in a somewhat difficult .ntb file format (Kibron Notebook) and creates a wealth of useful data from it. It will construct two separate plots, one of the Langmuir Compression Isotherm and the other of the Elastic Area Compressibility Modulus, and will also create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (with user-specified name) containing all relevant data directly from the Kibron Notebook data file. This can be used to efficiently process all data collected with the Kibron Trough.