MC Bed and Breakfast

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Collaboration between Food Chemistry, Business, and Art.

Idea concept: At the present time, Marshall Hall located on Broadway adjacent to CSB and the Dahl Chapel is vacant. Our idea is to turn this "house" into a bed and breakfast for the College. The highest educational value would result from a student-run B&B.

Marshall hall.jpg

Involved parties

Chemistry...working with food/meal related issues. Students have been using the nutrition lab as a space to explore cooking ideas based on both ethnic interests as well as the science of cooking.

Business...running this as a small business (business plan/marketing).

Art...dealing with design and room themes, as well as a display space for selling artwork. the building sits it is in need of renovation that could be done by student labor in collaboration with city construction/renovation businesses.

Game Plan

1) Get Presidental/Development by in.

2) Use this in a business course and a marketing course to establish business plan.

3) hire student worker (possibly international students) over a summer period to begin renovation.

4) Launch B&B at Homecoming 2018.