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Note: I chose to use the general dough recipe, as listed under "let's make some bread," and experiment with making pizza in absence of an actual pizza recipe.

Mini Pizzas


  • Make dough from general dough recipe; let rise overnight.
  • Split dough into four equal pieces.
  • Roll out each piece of dough into a small circle and onto a cooking sheet sprayed with canola oil.
  • Spread out each dough piece as thin or as thick as desired - the thicker the dough is left, the thicker the crust will be of the final pizza product.
  • Top each mini pizza with store-bought pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and oregano.
  • Add additional toppings as desired.
  • Bake at 350 deg F for 15 minutes or until crust is a golden-brown.
  • Let cool and enjoy!:)