Chemistry of Baking Introduction

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Welcome to Chemistry of Baking SOfIA program...Rachel, Gabrielle, Zelinda, Samantha, Brandon...and Annie and Stephanie...and Michael and Steve.

PLEASE...introduce yourselves (name, hometown) and briefly share some of your interests in chemistry...why chemistry?

The Chemistry of Baking SOfIA program was designed by Chemistry faculty members Laura Moore and Brad Sturgeon...with the help of all other chemistry faculty (Michael Prinsell and Audra Sostarecz) and our lab manager (Steve Distin). This is the first time we are running this program, and like most SOfIA programs, we consider this an opportunity to try out new things that can eventually be integrated into the chemistry program at Monmouth College.

Michael recently attend a workshop on the Chemistry of Food...can you share some info about this program.... spend some time in the kitchen...please share some of your cooking interests...

Annie...have you thought about a "signature baked good?"

Stephanie...have you thought about a "signature baked good?"

Do any of the new students have any "food-related" interests?

NOTE from Brad (Stephanie...please read)

(Sunday AM, July 31st): Hi All. So sorry i am going to miss the first week of SOfIA. I am currently on my way to Tuskegee University to attend an NSF (National Science Foundation) cCWCS workshop of "Medicinal Plants." I will be spending my mornings outside "hunting and gathering," as well as working in a garden, and the afternoons and evenings in lecture and lab. These workshops keep us busy 8 am - 9 pm. The main reason for these workshops is to educate chemistry faculty about a topic that could be integrated into the chemistry program at their institutions. For those in Gen Chem (CHEM 140) i hope to talk about this a bit. I will be back in Monmouth on Sun, Aug 7th and will see you Monday morning, Aug 8th.
Laura...sends her regards. She is unfortunately dealing with a very recent medical issue and will be back at school soon.
Cooking/baking is very similar to many chemistry laboratory experiences...with the one get to EAT the final product!!!! When we designed the new Center for Science and Business we included in the plan this nutrition/food science laboratory. All "stuff" in this lab is food grade, but this also means that we do not remove or add "chemistry" things to this space unless it is brand new. Also we have to work hard to keep this space if you use dishes/bowls/etc please wash them and then put them away. (NOTE: we are the only group using this space for the next 3 weeks, so do not feel that you need to clean up everything each day.) THANKS STEVE for doing some last minute clean up from this summer! We generally treat this space as you would treat your kitchen at home. If you need anything, Stephanie/Annie, Steve or Michael (in that order) can get it for you.
In my absence (and the recent news about Laura being out), i have put together a suggested "program." This program is meant to guide you through some baking activities, but the program does not need to be strictly followed (with the exception of our visitors on Weds and Thurs afternoons). I have asked Annie and Stephanie to run the program, so they are in charge! They will of course look to Michael and Steve for guidance and should feel free to call me (309-536-2390) at any time. is time to get started with the first activity (if that is okay with Annie and Stephanie)...are there any questions?

Some additional comments...(Annie...please read)

1) Please use anything in the nutrition lab...i have placed all of the dry ingredients on the front table and placed other items in the frig...AND there is some rice flour in the freezer.
2) Consider the first time you bake something as an experiment...if it is not good...THROW IT OUT! Even if it is good, there is only so much food that you can eat, so i expect that you throw out uneaten food...or feel free to share with others. Keep in mind that you may intentionally alter a recipe to experience the outcome...not all baking in this lab is done to make food you intend to eat.
3) On Friday(s), there is an "all-SOfIA" colloquium at 2 pm and Laura and I have agreed that this group will prepare "snacks." (Annie...will you talk to Fasano and make sure he knows that we will be bringing food, he can provide drinks). This first week, we will be preparing cupcake and maybe cookies (if any are leftover from Thurs). Feel free to prepare a "signature" baked good if you as so inclined.