Brandon Allen Chem430 F16

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Chemistry/Biochemistry Research 430

Fall 2016
Brandon Allen
Sophomore Chemistry Major

Research Times

Wednesday 5-6 Thursday 10-12

section 01 = 0.25 credit = 4 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Enter Project Title here

Introduction to the Langmuir Monolayer and Kibron Trough

General Information

Advisor: Dr. Audra Sostarecz
Other research student collaborators: Brittany Book and Kate Saulcy
Other Research Collaborators:


I plan to learn how to use the Kibron Trough and the Langmuir Monolayer technique to consistently generate reproducible results. I also plan on proposing a project idea for research next semester by the end of the semester.

Instruments to be used

Kibron Trough

References (2 minimum)

A. G. Sostarecz; C. M. McQuaw et. al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004.

Lehninger; Nelson; Cox; Principles of Biochemistry, 1993.

Research pledge

I, Brandon Allen, have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with my research advisor.