Blackbody Radiation Mathematica

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Mathematica is an excellent software package to visualize equations. In this activity, you will ultimately reproduce the Figure 1.2 from your textbook (Engle/Reed) showing the variation in the frequency output from a blackbody radiator. But first...

1) Plot the frequency vs. spectral density when the blackbody is at 3000 K.

2) Now plot 2 functions (as in part 1) on the same graph for 3000 K and 4000 K.

-it is recommended that you cut/paste the plot statement above and then modify it, so you have reference to a standard plot...same goes for the next few graphs.

3) Expand on this plot in part 2 to reproduce Figure 1.2 in your text.

4) Now use the "Manipulate" function in Mathematica to produce an interactive plot for temperature ranging from 3000 - 4000 K.

5) All of the above graphs are plots of frequency vs. spectral density...can we then do the same as above (1-4) for a function that uses wavelength as opposed to frequency? See this wiki page: (Note: the wiki page uses spectral radiance as opposed to spectral density; the difference appears to be only a constant).