SWCroslow Spring 2018

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Chemistry Research 430

Spring 2018
Freshman Chemistry/Physics Major

Research Times

Thrusday 1-5 PM,

CHEM 430-01 = 0.25 credit = 4 hours per week.

Proposed Research Project

Familiarization of Langmuir Monolayer Trough Procedure

General Information

Advisor: Dr. Audra Sostarecz
Other research student collaborators: Brandon Allen and Kate Saulcy
Other Research Collaborators: N/A

Proposed Project Description (PPD)

During this semester, I plan on learning the background information and processes needed to successfully use the Langmuir Trough and obtain reproducible results. This will be accomplished by reading articles on the trough itself, along with research performed using a Langmuir Trough. In order to obtain reproducible results/data, I will perform numerous trials on DPPC using the Trough. I will also learn some aspects of interpreting the data collected from the Trough including, but not limited to, Isotherms.

Instruments to be used

Langmuir Trough

References (2 minimum)


Research pledge

I, Seth Croslow, have read the Chem/Bioc 430 course syllabus and understand the general structure and expectations of the research program. The above material was prepared after consultation, and in conjunction with, my research advisor.