Monmouth Community Truck

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Revision as of 15:19, 28 August 2016 by Bes (talk | contribs)
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This is a planning page (in the proposal state) to use the panel truck, currently owned by Jack Toal and the 1st Street Amoury, as a resource for the local community.

This panel truck could be used as:

1) a "food truck" for a local business (Danny's, Eddy B, ???)
2) a "transport truck" for the Monmouth College Garden to go to farmer's markets,
3) a "beverage serving truck" for DeNovo Beverage,
4) a "delivery truck" for local events,
5) a "water/drink" station for local events,
6) local Church events,
7) Pottery event
8) Car show

Proposed modifications:

1) install a counter and under counter refrigerated area (non drivers side of truck).
2) install 6 taps on non-drivers side.
3) install canopy on non drivers side.
4) ???

Promotion: - Prime Beef Festival parade...probably TOO soon.