HPA Reactions

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4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid (HPA)


Reaction of 50/50 HPA-Dioxane Solution in Buffer with various H202 concentrations and Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP)

HPA/H202/HPA (6/3/16)
HPA/H202/HPA (6/3/16)

Using the Immobilized Enzyme technique, a reaction of HPA-Dioxane and H202 with Immobilized HRP

IE HRP HPA/H202 (6/8/16)
IE HRP HPA/H202 (6/8/16)

Trying out different flow speeds with IE to try and see different products. With the greater absorption of HPA There is only a slight change in the product of the reactions

IE HRP HPA/H202 (6/15/16)
IE HRP HPA/H202 (6/15/16)