Gen Chem Exam 3 Ch 6 and 7

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Exam 3 will be available on WebAssign at 8 am - 5(4) pm on Friday, May 1st, 2020.

Exam 3 will cover chapter 6 and 7.

You will be given 75 mins to complete the WebAssignment/Exam...once you click on the assignment.

Academic honesty reminder: Questions shall not be discussed between students during or after the exam period. If this is not a clear statement, then i will say, any discussion related to the exam material is considered academic dishonesty. (Please don't add this level of complexity to an already stressed environment; WebAssign knows all)


1) During the WA Exam 2, there was 1 students who had "computer" issues during the exam. This student properly, wrote all there work down on paper and then sent this information to me when they were done with the exam...i graded and edited their score. I encourage all of you to keep good notes while doing the exam and "if" a computer issue arises, then your notes have you covered.
2) This WA exam will be the same format as the last one.
3) You can take the exam at any time on Friday, May 1st; once you click on the "assignment/exam" a timer will begin. You will have 75 min to complete the questions. The exam will become unavailable at 5 pm, so start before 3:45 pm!!!
4) During the exam you will be given 2 submissions.
5) You will be given one problem at a time, not the entire assignment.
6) You will know your score once you complete the exam.
7) If you have an acceptable conflict on Friday. please contact me as soon as possible.

How to Prepare

There are NO restrictions on you as far as what materials you can use to complete the exam:
- You may use your book with periodic table
- You may use your notes
...I suggest that you make a review sheet
...with unit conversion
...with equations
...maybe chapter outlines?

But, you cannot call a friend.