Contents folder 1964

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[[Media: |Thirteenth Annual Meeting Itinerary and Information]]

[[Media: |Discussion Groups 1964]]

[[Media: |MACTLAC Report 1960-63 by Harry F. Lewis]]

[[Media: |Report of Twelfth Annual Meeting by Wilmer J. Stratton to MACTLAC Members in Good Standing]]

[[Media: |Written Summaries from Discussion Groups 1964]]

[[Media: |Letter to MACTLAC Members from Wilmer J. Stratton]]

[[Media: |Memo to MACTLAC Members from Wilmer J. Stratton ]]

[[Media: |Letter to MACTLAC Members in Good Standing]]

[[Media: |Map of Wabash College Campus]]

[[Media: |The MACTLAC Physical Chemistry Manual Report 1964]]

[[Media: |Report of the AD HOC Committee]]

[[Media: |Report of Discussion Group 1: The Use of Computers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum]]

[[Media: |Summary of Discussion Group 2 Handwritten]]

[[Media: |Proceedings of Discussion Group 3A]]

[[Media: |Contents of Advanced Chemistry Course Handwritten]]

[[Media: |Report of Discussion Group 4A]]

[[Media: |Summary of Discussion Group 4B Handwritten]]

[[Media: |Report of Discussion Group: Use of Paperbacks in Teaching Chemistry]]

[[Media: |Roundtable Discussion Group]]

[[Media: |Business Meeting Minutes 1964]]