PChem312 f20 w11

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Monday, Oct 26, 2020

Announcement: Exam 2, Thursday, Oct 29th (Ch 3 and 4)

Sec 4.4

Temperature dependence of reaction enthalpies...

Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 7.56.09 AM.png

This problem involves 2 parts:

1) ΔH°(298K) can be calculated via heats of formation (ΔH°f)
2) the second part requires that you look up the Cp,m values from table 2.5...

Study Example Problem 4.2 for calculation details...

Weds, Oct 28, 2020


Thurs, Oct 29th, 2020

Exam 2, Ch 3 and 4.

Friday, Oct 30th, 2020

no class