PChem312 f20 w8

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Monday, Oct 5, 2020

cont. sec 3.1...

- Ex. Problem 3.1 - a thermometer at its limits...

Sec 3.2

Given, then derived

- U(T,V)...eq 3.16

Wednesday, Oct 7, 2020

cont sec 3.2...

- Ex Prob 3.2 --> internal pressure is 0 for an ideal gas.
- Joule Experiment, but failed due to thermometer sensitivity (Ex. Prob 3.2).
- Expansion of CO2 gas (paintball gun demo) - tank gets cold.
- What is the value of the internal pressure is treated as real gas using van der Waals eq. (Ex. Prob 3.4)

Thursday, Oct 8, 2020

Friday, Oct 9, 2020