PChem312 f20 w2

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Monday, Aug 24, 2020

Start reading chapter 1

Sec 1.2: Basic Definitions

- Systems and Surroundings
DEMO: box of system types
  • open/closed...exchange of matter or not
  • adiabatic/diathermal...heat loss or not
  • system variables...for a gas, pressure (P), temperature (T), volume (V), amount (n)
  • equation of state...for a gas, ideal gas law
  • 0th Law of Thermodynamics: thermometers work!

=Sec 1.3: Thermometry (covered in lab)

Sec 1.4: Equations of State/Ideal Gas Law

Side conversation: Do you have an equation of state? We

Sec 1.5: Brief Intro to a Real Gas

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020

Meet in CSB 378


- Thermometry (covered in lab)

Friday, Aug 21, 2020