PChem 1 Lab activities 01

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PChem Lab - CSB 373

Chem Computer Lab - CSB 377

NOVA: Absolute Zero: Part One, The Conquest of Cold

Part One, "The Conquest of Cold," opens in the 1600s when the nature of cold and even heat were a complete mystery. Are they different phenomena or aspects of some unified feature of nature? Are they added to a substance or qualities of the substance itself? The experiments that settled these questions helped stoke the Industrial Revolution, which exploited such fundamental insights as that heat always flows from hot to cold.

Student Expectations

1) Watch video, 2) take notes in carbon copy (CC) lab notebook,

- make note of all historical names mentioned and in what context are they noted (you might need to expand on this later)
- make note the years

3) turn in CC (at end of lab period).