Ch6 lec 1

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(4/6/2020, bes)


Great job getting through the WA exam. I know that this experience was not perfect for of you could not even see the "buttons" to select an answer (weird, but it is a computer)...but overall, i feel that it was acceptable/successful. I made a small mistake in the coding...when i added the last "essay" question on the exam, the WA system by default assigned 1 pt to each had the option to get 3 bonus points by responding! Yes, it was listed as optional, but i guess that is another name for extra-credit? So, the exam was out of 100 can see your of you got a 103%!

About those 3 additional questions:

So when asked "How is online Gen Chem going?" you responded:

Response 1

going really well, it is stressful, harder to learn on my terrible, awful.

My reply: Taking an online course is not for everyone. After 20 years of teaching, i hope that what we do in the classroom/in-person, supplemental instruction/tutoring, and the facilities we can provide for labs is better than what we are currently doing...otherwise we need to rethink all of education! Again, online courses are not for everyone and hence the people who replied positively to the question (going really well, it is awesome) would be the folks who would sign up for an online course, BUT NOT ALL OF YOU WERE GIVEN THIS was just dropped in your lap.
Additionally, if you were going to sign up for an online course, you would probably already know that you have quality internet and a relatively new computer/laptop. Having this dropped on you as a non-elective mode of learning, you were not given the opportunity to acquire all of the tools needed to fully utilize an online course experience. Take home: don't be too hard on yourself, these are truly unique times (i never expected this would happen).
Response 2

"it would be nice to have some video/Zoom sessions

My reply: